Contributions to theory and practice
1. A complete concept and training program for fitness training in sports according to the author’s “Fit Motion-Professional” training system, on the example of the sport of volleyball, is scientifically argued (the fitness program is recognized as an original work of author’s product, created as a result of creative activity under the name “Fit Motion Training System” – Certificate No. 21/02.06.2014, issued by the Patent Office, Plovdiv).
2. Innovative training methods and principles have been developed, some of which are based on an innovative approach using laws of quantum physics.
3. Complete training complexes and modules of weightlifting, athletics, functional-coordinating, preventive-stabilizing, balance, etc. tools have been developed.
4. An author’s training hall and a sports-rehabilitation complex with author’s equipment and facilities were developed for the purpose of testing the program product. (The center, located in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria Blvd., Bokar 33, has been operating since 2006).
5. The program product has been applied personally by the author (as a conditioning coach) in the preparation of club and national volleyball teams, as well as individual highly qualified athletes from other sports. The achieved sports results and the effect of using the program show the practical significance of the program product.
6. Curriculums on conditioning were developed by the author for the needs of the educational process at the College of Sports “Bio Fit” – 2010, the National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski” (together with a team from the Department of Athletics) – 2015 and “Ministry of Education and Science” – 2013 and 2014. The programs are already used in educational and training work of educational institutions.
Contributes to strength training and fitness
1. For the needs of practice, specific training techniques of performing strength exercises with free weights for the main muscle groups have been developed (they are described in the textbook “Basic principles of weight training and cyclic exercises”)
2. A comprehensive program for fitness training and a healthy lifestyle has been developed in a 4-module scheme (it is described in the monograph “Fitness”).
Information about the benefits of the “Fit Motion – profesional” training system”
In order to optimize fitness training, an innovative modular scheme of training work containing model training complexes, based on the principles and methods proposed by the author, has been developed, such as:
The principle of “conditional potentiation of muscle-motor synergism”, the practical implementation of which results in subsequent positive effects of some motor qualities on the development of others;
The principle of “targeted diversity”, requiring the specific development of relevant motor qualities and abilities according to the individuality of the competitor, by using means that are really effective for the purpose;
The principle of “stability and dynamism of the trainer-device system”, setting the requirement for their precise synchronization in a synergized motor complex, where the trainer and device are in dynamic unity and harmony.
Other author’s principles were also used, such as those of the “thought-action connection”, the “free movement in the force load”, the “priority and balance”, the well-known principle of “unity of physical and technical training” and others, described in a special author’s guide.
Author’s methods:
– “serial interval loading of small and large antagonistic muscle groups”, consisting of performing, according to the interval method, series of combined strength exercises for large and small muscle groups, and one series includes the execution of two exercises for large muscle groups – e.g. chest and back, followed by a series of exercises for small groups – biceps and triceps, again large muscle groups, e.g. front and back of thighs, etc.;
– “slow-dynamic circular method of training (4×10+)”, the essence of which is: 10 basic exercises are selected – for circular execution, each of which includes 10 repetitions; the duration of the single movement is 10 sec. – work in overcoming mode /concentric phase/ 4 sec., and in receding /eccentric phase – 6 sec., or the total duration of the series (approach) is 10 sec.; the second part – aerobic loading according to the one-time uniform or variable method in the building intensity zone;
– “slow dynamic repeated training method with submaximal intensity and contrasting performance of explosive dynamic efforts”, the essence of which is the performance of strength exercises with an intensity of 83-88% of the maximum with a duration of 8 seconds (4 sec. concentric and 4 sec. eccentric muscle tension and modifications), followed by 22 sec. rest and contrasting performance of explosive dynamic exercises for the same muscles groops.
– “method of intensification of muscle efforts by working with one limb in the eccentric phase”, – training with one limb allows better concentration of attention and the participation of more motor units /DE/ than when loading both limbs at the same time; this method requires: training in the eccentric phase of movements with 40% greater resistance than the maximum that can be overcome once in the concentric phase; training on machines with variable resistance, ensuring the participation of the largest possible volume of DE throughout the movement in its full range; training according to the “slow dynamic method” with 6-second eccentric controlled contractions / slow movements when working the muscles in retreating mode/. A very important condition related to the safety of the motor apparatus is to train on specialized machines working on the isokinetic principle, which ensures precise modeling of movements in biomechanical terms;
– “method of serial alternation of isotonic and isokinetic contractions”, the essence of which is that after performing an exercise to failure with a free weight and resting for 30 seconds, proceed to perform the same exercise again until failure, but on a working machine on the isokinetic principle;
– “the method of sequential activation of phasic and tonic motor units”, consisting of loads with sequentially descending-ascending changing intensity in separate series, with a number of repetitions until failure and strictly regulated rests between approaches.
When developing the software product, a “strategy of parallel-sequential development of physical qualities /related to the human physique/, their development into motor qualities /reflecting in corresponding movements/, their subsequent upgrading into opportunities for their manifestation, with a final result, their “transformation” into performance abilities in competitive settings”.
The proposed training scheme mainly covers purposeful step-by-step training work for the development of one or more specific qualities, forming functional foundations for the improvement of other even more narrowly specialized ones relevant to the game. Paying due attention to general physical training and its special importance for the prevention of sports injuries and the maintenance of health (as a function of nature, the health of any organism presupposes it to be in a state of constant functional connection and vibrational-energy harmony with its surroundings), is advocated the opinion of expedient training work on all motor qualities in each stage of preparation. In addition, a strict requirement is not only the provision of an immediate positive training effect, but also a post-training /consequential training effect/ of already used means on the next ones that will be used. This ensures an overlap of training effects and the possibility of mutual potentiation of the developed motor qualities. This “synergistic-potentiating approach” provides the competitors with the opportunity to maintain a long-term reached level of training, resp. and on sports form, especially against the background of rationally included short unloading training microcycles.
Training-game modules containing structurally flexibly arranged complexes of exercises aimed at achieving an optimal, but not necessarily maximum, level of development of motor qualities have been experimented and introduced. It is on such a basis /in the end/ that those of the qualities that are relatively most significant in terms of effectiveness in sports games are maximally potentiated; in particular, it is about agility /power, speed/, an ability unconditionally linked to the need to perform variably occurring “complex game actions” in games. Practically, this means that in each training stage there should be training that simulates competitive conditions.
The developed concept uses the individual approach to work, depending on the genetic characteristics of the competitors. In connection with this, the latter are differentiated into two main types – power and speed.
The formation of ball-playing skills to dynamically use the already accumulated power-speed potential, and in parallel with the construction of special tactical-technical habits, is included in each of the proposed training modules. They are constructed on the basis of three sports-physiological principles:
1. conditioning training is essentially closely related to the cerebral cortical and subcortical regulation of movements, mental activity, individual psycho-analytical abilities and sports intelligence of the athlete;
2. conditioning training allows to build models of game reactions of the competitor, integrating into a game-effective complex, built in physical and technical-tactical training;
3. conditioning essentially means realization
Successfully used in the last 10 years modular scheme, built from model training, gives reason to determine conditioning in sports games, such as purposeful organizational process of developing the structural-functional systems of the organism and transforming physical qualities into psycho-motor abilities, ensuring high coordination of motor actions and resp. game performance.
The condition, in turn, is this energy-vibrational state and degree of psycho-motor preparedness of the self-organizing system-athlete, which provides the optimal conditions for a high level of sports-technical performance in a competitive environment.
The training tools used in the programs are general, specific and special in nature with local, regional and global impact – means of weightlifting (strength) are intended, from athletics (speed-strength and speed) and from functional-coordination training according to the “JK Fit Motion” system, consecutively and in parallel represented by modules.
The characteristic of the last two modules functional-coordinating means forming the movements in complexes are mutually potentiated and synergized in anatomical-biomechanical and biochemical-physiological plan with the aim of the best possible implementation of a specific, complex motor task. The emphasis is on the sought-after benefits of speedy execution of advance
formed thought-program complexes from the author’s system “Think Motion”. Also used preventive-stabilizing exercises, those for coordination, also for balance stability and balance, mobility, myofascial treatment, stretching, etc.
The entire program is made up of 7 blocks, each with a specific characteristic.