Development of the strength abilities of badminton players от athletic focus
Автори: Lazarov, I., R. Karapetrova, F. Joshan, J. Karabiberov, A. Yaneva
Издание: ICPESS (International Congress on Physical education and Sport Science – Children and youth in Physical activity and Sport, Abstract book), Komotini, May 20th-22nd of May (page 46) 24
Издателство: International Congress on Physical education and Sport Science, стр.46, 2016 год.
Бадминтонът е игра с подчертано изразени бързина, сила, гъвкавост и ловкост издръжливост. Целта на изследването е да повиши силовите възможности на бадминтонисти, посредством използване на кондиционна подготовка с подчертано атлетическа насоченост. Изследвани са 30 бадминтонисти на възраст 17-19 години. Контингента е разделен на две групи– контролна и експериментална. В края на експеримента е констатирано покачване на стойностите на всички изследвани показатели при експерименталната група. Това означава, че атлетическата подготовка е повишила значително силовите способности на изследваните бадминтонисти.
The research was conducted for a sports competition year that were made four Tests of the two groups (control and experimental). During the study, we used the following tests: throwing solid ball 3 kg overhead, vertical rebound of half squat, vertical rebound of squat, maximum strength of the left and right leg when folded, maximum strength left and right leg while unfolding, maximum strength of left and right hand. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis (variance and correlation analysis) through programs SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The highest values of explosive strength of lower limbs in the control group, as measured от test vertical rebound of half squad observed between the first and second testing (1.10 cm) after the third testing we have descending values at the absolute marks of explosive strength. In the experimental group the absolute values of explosive strength of the lower limbs marked a significant increase, the highest values of
explosive force were measured between the first and second testing (2.41 cm), followed от results between the second and third testing (1.74 cm) between the third and fourth testing (1.39 cm). The absolute increase in the values of explosive strength of lower limbs of the experimental group in the study period is 5.54 cm, while in the control group the absolute growth is 0.20 cm. Conclusion of the data for dynamics and maximum dynamic strength of the upper limbs through tests (swirling outside in and inside out and throwing a solid ball 3 kg overhead) during the period give us reason to suppose that the targeted impact of exercise of athletic training have basic role for the higher incremental value of these properties compared to the control group.